Audio Tag And Video Tag
Audio Tag
The <audio> tag specifies a standard way to insert an audio file into a web page. It can be used in any format like mp3,ogg,wav, etc
<source src=" sample.mp3" type="audio"/>
Controls: Defines what controls to display with the audio player.
Autoplay: plays the audio file automatically when the web page is loaded.
Loop: Defines that the audio file should continuously repeat.
src: Defines the URL of the audio file.
muted: Defines that the audio file should be muted.
<audio controls>
<source src="podcast.mp3" type="audio.mp3" />
Video Tag
The <video>
tag embeds a media player which supports video playback into the document.
<source src=" " />
Autoplay: It tells the browser to immediately start downloading the video and play it as soon as it can.
Preload: It intends to provide a hint to the browser about what the author thinks will lead to the best user experience.
Loop: It tells the browser to automatically loop the video.
height: It sets the height of the video in CSS pixels.
width: It sets the width of the video in CSS pixels.
Controls: It shows the default video controls like play, pause, volume, etc.
Muted: It mutes the audio from the video.
Poster: It loads an image to preview before the loading of the video.
src: It is used to specify the URL of the video file.
<video controls >
<source src="./C Language Tutorial for Beginners (with Notes & Practice Questions).mp4">